Title: Family of leukaemia victim fight for compensation over pesticide poisoning from flowers

[actualnewsmagazine.com 9 October 2024] -- Emmy Marivain died in March 2022, at the age of 11, of leukemia linked to pesticides present on the flowers that her mother, a florist near Nantes, unknowingly handled during her pregnancy. Lawyer François Lafforgue recalls that a Belgian study revealed the presence of “more than a hundred pesticide residue products on bouquets of flowers and on the hands of florists, and 70 pesticide residues in their urine”, including molecules sometimes banned, used in foreign countries. Since many different pesticides are involved, “it is difficult to identify the product causing the pathology, and therefore difficult to attack a particular manufacturer“, he explains. According to the lawyer, he is “absolutely impossible to consider action against this or that manufacturer, it would be doomed to failure“. Faced with this legal impasse, the lawyer criticizes: “It is absolutely essential that we tackle the problem, that we truly legislate and that we alert florists and companies in the flower market of this problem.“ For two years, Emmy’s family has been fighting to warn of the dangers to which these professionals and their children are exposed, a promise that Laure made to her daughter on her deathbed. Orignal source.

Article: WeedsNews6283 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:floriculture, :WeedsNews:cancerawareness, :WeedsNews:health
Date: 10 October 2024; 7:25:38 AM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid