Title: How wide is the “knowing-doing” gap in invasion biology?

Abstract: Invasion biology is a growing discipline with clear ecological, social and economic implications. A wide range of research effort is thus required to address the invasion problem, and literature on the topic is extensive. However, the extent to which the invasion biology research is addressing the challenges associated with management and mitigation of the impacts of invasions has been questioned. Using bibliometric analysis, we investigated the extent to which the literature on the subject contributes to implementation of knowledge generated, by addressing aspects of management, policy, and/or implementation; the impact of these papers as indicated by the number of citations they attract; and the geopolitical scale of focus of invasion ecology papers, particularly those that attempt to bridge the knowing-doing gap. We then compared these findings with the information needs of conservation practitioners. We first looked globally at popular search engines and then narrowed our focus to South Africa—one of three regions outside USA where researchers producing highly cited papers in invasion ecology are well represented. At this level, we conducted a content analysis of invasion ecology-related papers, of which at least one author was affiliated to a South African institution. The knowledge base in the field of invasion biology is comprised largely of research oriented towards “knowing”, while research aimed at strategically applying or implementing that knowledge is poorly represented in the scientific literature, and the scale of its emphasis is not local. Conservation practitioners clearly indicate a need for basic knowledge. However, invasion science must develop channels for effective engagement to ensure that the research is contextualised, and will deal with the complex ecological, social and economic challenges posed by invasions.[ Karen J. Esler, Heidi Prozesky, Gyan P. Sharma and Melodie McGeoch, (2010). How wide is the “knowing-doing” gap in invasion biology? Biological Invasions, Published online: 3 July.]

Keywords: Bibliometric analysis - Biological invasion - Conservation practitioners - Management - Implementation - Policy

From http://www.springerlink.com, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews640 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:science communication
Date: 12 July 2010; 11:58:46 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid