Title: Farming without harming: Boosting biodiversity action through agroecology

To assist countries with the process of including agroecology in National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Biovision Foundation, WWF International, the Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT, and the Agroecology Coalition have developed a practical tool for integrating agroecological principles and interventions into practical action planning.

Boosting Biodiversity Action through Agroecology” provides detailed guidance and practical steps based on the 13 Principles and 10 Elements of agroecology, including circularity, social and gender equity, economic diversification and soil health, which aims to simultaneously feed people, restore nature, and strengthen communities. ==Countries including Brazil, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Senegal, Tanzania, and Vietnam have all already launched or renewed agroecology-related policies and strategies. As of August 2024, nine of the 13 action plans submitted to the Convention on Biological Diversity since COP15 include agroecology as an approach, while some incorporate it into specific goals.

Colombia showcased at COP16 another inspiring example of how agroecology can be a powerful pathway for governments to achieve their biodiversity targets. With 85% of countries still developing or updating their NBSAPs, policymakers have a window of opportunity to integrate agroecological principles and practices into their commitments and plans. This is why the guide “Boosting Biodiversity Action through Agroecology” is so timely

More about the guide: https://nbsap.futureoffood.org/menu

Download the guide in English and a summary in Spanish.

Article: WeedsNews6554 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:biodiversity, :WeedsNews:agroecology, :WeedsNews:international policy, :WeedsNews:policy
Date: 18 December 2024; 3:24:54 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid