Title: Stop blaming the farmer: Dispelling the myths of ‘misuse’ and ‘safe’ use of pesticides to protect health and human rights

Pesticides are designed to kill living organisms such as unwanted plants, animals, insects, and fungi; unfortunately, along with target organisms, they harm human health and the environment. They are currently the only toxic chemicals intentionally released into the environment on a large scale.

The negative effects of pesticide use in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are often blamed on the “misuse” of pesticides. The industry and government narrative is that the use of highly hazardous pesticides is safe when instructions are followed, and that harm occurs due to “irrational” and “improper” human behavior, linked to lack of knowledge by farmers. This assumption does not consider the real-life situations of pesticide users in LMICs, including structural, economic, and social barriers that make it impossible to follow “safety practices.”

This “blame the farmer” narrative leads to ineffective risk mitigation measures, perpetuating and increasing people’s exposure to pesticide harms and endangering their lives.

It is governments that allow the use of highly hazardous pesticides in their jurisdictions, and pesticide companies that produce them—not individual pesticide users in LMICs—who should bear the main responsibility for the prevention of the negative impact of these products.

A human rights-based approach to pesticide management and the interpretation of international guidance that avoids the blaming narrative but puts real people, their health, and human rights first is needed to reduce and eliminate toxic exposure and save lives and health.

Concepts of pesticide misuse and safe use must be removed from global and national pesticide management policies and regulatory narratives, together with the view that HHPs can ever be used safely.

Utyasheva, L., Rother, H. A., London, L., & Eddleston, M. (2024). Stop blaming the farmer: Dispelling the myths of ‘misuse’ and ‘safe’ use of pesticides to protect health and human rights. Journal of Human Rights, 23(3), 231–252. doi.org/10.1080/1…

Full-text available here

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Article: WeedsNews6562 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:poisoning, :WeedsNews:human rights, :WeedsNews:health, :WeedsNews:suicide
Date: 20 December 2024; 1:57:25 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid