Title: US cities are cutting pesticides from public parks with the help of a national nonprofit
Outdoor spaces in Kansas City will halt the use of fertiliser, weed killers and insecticides typically used in public parks. The improvements are part of the Parks for a Sustainable Future program run by Beyond Pesticides, a Washington D.C. based nonprofit that focuses on health and environmental policy. The group is working with local communities and parks departments across the USA to phase out the use of chemical lawn care in public green spaces and provide staff with ecoliterate horticultural training.
Rika Gopinath, a community policy and action manager with Beyond Pesticides, said the program is meant to enhance microbial life and nutrients in the local soil. Cities consult with technical experts provided through the program and receive a two-year implementation plan. Depending on the site needs, that might include organic soil amendments and aeration to help strengthen grass roots. The combined methods can help reduce water usage, encourage healthy plant growth and maintain aesthetic grass turfs.
“Grass seed becomes your best herbicide and you can outcompete the weeds,” Gopinath said. “And you're building healthy soil to grow the grass rather than giving it an injection of something synthetic to green it up.”
Organic grocery store chain Natural Grocers is underwriting the costs for the program’s horticulture consultation services, soil testing and the development of the new land management plans, according to Gopinath.
Officials in Kansas City said the switch from traditional applications at the two of their sites will make their urban spaces more sustainable and safer for both community members and local wildlife.
“Working with Beyond Pesticides is an important step in implementing our Parks and Recreation Sustainability Plan. Part of that plan calls for implementing an Integrated Pest Management System,” said Stephen Van Rhein, the environmental manager for Kansas City Parks and Recreation, in a news release. “Beyond Pesticides program will help train our staff to understand how we can have great athletic fields while building healthy soil and using only organic methods.”
In Australia, there is no pesticides reduction program in place, despite it being a Federal Government priority. All municipal councils in Australian currently use toxic synthetic pesticides to maintain their open spaces and not one has a genuine commitment in place to reduce pesticide use. If you would like to start something, please contact us at admin@aprn.au.