Title: re: Pesticiding ourselves to death, or not

Thank you, Jeff, for reading my essay and sharing your criticisms.

By way of a response, I invite you to explore the more than 2,000 articles on our website. We have installed a very good search engine. Our search can be used to drill down to specific topics of interest, for example, there are many articles in our database that demonstrate farming without the use of pesticides is not only possible, but also profitable. If you use the tag 'economics' that will get you started, or you can enter 'economic' as a search term and see what turns up, and so on.

Your concerns are wide-ranging. Taking them as a whole, in one important respect I agree with you. An environment is precisely what we are leaving, thus techniques and technologies are what we take along with us to survive in the world we are entering. The environmental question is whether the systems we rely on to do that can operate without harming us, which is a theme I explore in my essay.

Just to take up one point that occurred to me as I read your comments. Your argument is that only using a little bit of pesticide here and there does not do harm. That used to be a very good line of argument, as we had access to free waste disposal systems (streams and oceans for example) that could absorb our excesses.

These days, however, with billions of people discharging their 'little bit' of pollution, issues rapidly mount and the environment becomes unable to absorb the necessary excess, that is, at least not in a manner that is also suitable for our habitation, let alone the other beings that rely on our shared habitat.

If we were discussing your farm as a closed system, as a fully enclosed vertical farm, for example, where all inputs and outputs are cycled lab-style and without creating the need for discharges to the outside world, other than produce to sell, your argument would be good. Unfortunately most farming does not succeed in doing that and requires inputs from other ecosystems and discharges excesses to the system outside of its operational boundary.

This website, as mentioned above, has a lot of great information from hundreds of people who have shared their thoughts on how to deal with the situation we are in more sustainably and create improvements. I am sure you have knowledge and experience that would would be worth sharing and I hope we can continue that shared task with more critical input from you.

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Article: WeedsNews6724 (permalink)
Date: 9 February 2025; 4:39:47 AM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid