Title: Exposure of insects to current use pesticide residues in soil and vegetation along spatial and temporal distribution in agricultural sites
Current use pesticides (CUPs) are recognised as the largest deliberate input of bioactive substances into terrestrial ecosystems and one of the main factors responsible for the current decline in insects in agricultural areas.
To quantify seasonal insect exposure in the landscape at a regional scale (Rhineland-Palatine in Germany), we analysed the presence of multiple (93) active ingredients in CUPs across three different agricultural cultivation types (with each three fields: arable, vegetable, viticulture) and neighbouring meadows.
We collected monthly soil and vegetation samples over a year. A total of 71 CUP residues in different mixtures was detected, with up to 28 CUPs in soil and 25 in vegetation in single samples. The concentrations and numbers of CUPs in vegetation fluctuated over the sampling period, peaking in the summer months in the vegetation but remaining almost constant in topsoil.
We calculated in-field additive risks for earthworms, collembola, and soil-living wild bees using the measured soil concentrations of CUPs.
Our results call for the need to assess CUP mixture risks at low concentrations, as multiple residues are chronically present in agricultural areas. Since this risk is not addressed in regulation, we emphasise the urgent need to implement global pesticide reduction targets.
Mauser, K.M., Wolfram, J., Spaak, J.W. et al. (2025). Current-use pesticides in vegetation, topsoil and water reveal contaminated landscapes of the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany. Communications: Earth Environment, 6, 166.