Title: NSW Government offers more strategic control for serrated tussock

[NSW Government - July 26, 2010] -- Minister for Primary Industries, Steve Whan today launched a program that will bring NSW one step closer to more effective coordination and strategic management of one Australia’s most devastating perennial grass weeds. “This state-wide project targeting serrated tussock aims to bring about better coordination of district and regional programs so that control efforts increase in their consistency and effectiveness,” Minister Whan said. “The NSW Government has provided funding to the Serrated Tussock Working Party for NSW & ACT through the noxious weeds grants program to employ a project officer to lead a coordinated battle against this highly invasive weed. “Improving coordination across the state is the critical first stage in a five year plan to decrease the impact of serrated tussock across NSW and the ACT.” The five year project is titled Strategic Coordination of the Serrated Tussock Battle in NSW and is funded as part of the 2009/2010 $8.55 million Noxious Weeds Grants program.

The NSW/ACT Serrated Tussock Coordinator, Clare Hamilton who is based at Mid-Western Regional Council in Rylstone said her role is to quantify the current impact of serrated tussock and some of the successful management options being implemented. “Serrated tussock, as a weed of national significance, is one of the worst perennial grass weeds in Australia with the ability to cause a complete loss of production in pastoral land and a monoculture in former native grasslands if not addressed,” says Ms Hamilton. “It continues to spread across NSW and the ACT with devastating consequences for land managers and the environment. “Raising awareness of serrated tussock, its identification and potential to cause significant economic and environmental problems, will be a key component of the long term project. “As part of my role I will work with agronomists, weeds officers and land managers who between them hold a wealth of information and experience to help coordinate regional control programs and lead to more effective control at farm level.”

Article: WeedsNews727 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:wons
Date: 30 July 2010; 10:31:02 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid