Title: Progress report on aquatic wons strategy released

The NSW Department of Primary Industries has released a report (pdf 1.4mb) that summarises the key progress between 2003-2008 towards implementation of the National Strategic Plans for alligator weed, cabomba and salvinia, (the aquatic WoNS). It summarises of the key foundational activities and initiatives that aim to improve management, reduce impacts, and reduce the rate of spread for these 3 aquatic weeds. Key topics relate to research, on ground activities, education and awareness and national coordination. NSW Department of Primary Industries. Neale Tweedle, in introducing the report said, "We know that much work remains to be done and there are still many hurdles to be overcome. This includes adapting to new government investment priorities and funding arrangements, engaging new stakeholders and overcoming new threats such as climate change or potentially stricter legislation on control methods."

Article: WeedsNews89 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:wons, :WeedsNews:aquatic weeds
Date: 12 August 2009; 2:10:35 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid