Title: Biodiversity impacts of small-scale infestations of Lantana camara upon vegetation floristics and leaf litter invertebrates in the Lower Hunter Region of New South Wales
Abstract: The wide range of ecological influences exerted
across landscapes causes a mosaic-like physiognomy which influences localised
biodiversity. Dense infestations of Lantana camara contribute to these
ecological influences and it has been established through various research
projects that some species are favoured by Lantana infestations while others are
disadvantaged. This research project examines whether small-scale infestations
have any discernible impact upon floristic diversity and leaf-litter
invertebrate diversity in the Lower Hunter region of New South Wales. It helps
to clarify questions relating to establishing priorities for land management
strategies. The study established that small patches of Lantana reduce floristic
diversity and that this should be incorporated into the establishment of
priorities for Lantana management strategies. Significant floristic differences
between the paired Lantana plots and the non-infested plots were established for
all of the study sites. Furthermore, the reduced floristic diversity was amongst
the indigenous species. No difference in the diversity of weed species was found
between the Lantana plots and the non-infested plots. There was no discernible
difference in leaf-litter invertebrate diversity or population between the
Lantana plots and the non-infested plots. This indicates that the commonplace
tick-infestation of bushland regenerators when removing Lantana may have more to
do with the removal methods than with an increase in the occurrence of ticks.
[Barkley, Darryll (2010). Biodiversity impacts of small-scale infestations of
Lantana camara upon vegetation floristics and leaf litter invertebrates in the
Lower Hunter Region of New South Wales. Unpublished Master of Science
Dissertation, University of Newcastle. Faculty of Science and Information
Technology, School of Environmental and Life Sciences.]